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« Jazz in the Park Returns! | Main | Miller Lite Ride For the Arts »

June 07, 2008



I am glad you had fun and I'm glad you are safe! From what I understand it was gangs hanging around. I bet next year, they will be all over it!

You can catch the pod cast of the head of security and Charlie Sykes here.



I've never liked Riversplash. The Water Street scene definitely doesn't appeal to me and it's the same during Riversplash. I just get really annoyed when I'm there.


I heard several reports about Saturday night's Riversplash and was completely disgusted.

I wouldn't care if they cancelled this event. From what I've heard it's just a drunk fest and that's never going to lead to anything good. Isn't Milwaukee already the drunkest city in the U.S? Obviously, people here don't need another reason to guzzle beer.

How pathetic.

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