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June 01, 2008



Cool. This is good news. Many of those events sound really fun.

It would be nice to have another location along Lincoln Memorial Drive and the lakefront to compete with Alterra. Alterra is really successful, so if Hi-Hat does a good job, the Beach House will probably be equally as successful.


I've been saying this for years! It's about time people work on making Bradford Beach a destination!


The site is in great hands. I wish this project well!

Now, let's work on the rest of the lakefront! Yes?

At least now I won't have to say to my son, "When I was a little girl".

Now he will know!

(Still don't know if I would swim in that water though)


Can someone please tell me what in the world the DNR is thinking by stopping restaurants and other establishments from building along the lake? Are they concerned that too many people will enjoy the lake? What major city exists with an amazing body of water that doesn't leverage it? It's insane that we are excited about this beach house when you think about it.

I love Lake Michigan and I swim at Doctor's Park frequently (at least that beach is somewhat looked after). Why wouldn't you want to put money into our cities greatest asset? It's baffling. Who doesn't love Alterra? Why not have multiple Alterra-esque businesses along the lake? It doesn't have to be out of control, but this all or nothing attitude is crap.

This is second hand info, but I'm guessing it's true...I understand that there was an Indian museum that was going to go into that dilipadated white building by the marina. It cost them more money to revitalize the building than to tear it down and even build a replica of the same building, so the project was dead. The city wouldn't allow it and they just tore the building down. By tearing down that structure, my understanding is that we just ruined one last shot at putting another fun place to enjoy the lake front! Correct me if I'm wrong, because I really really hope I'm wrong.

I hope this beach house place does well. The folks at hi-hat do an awesome job with everything they touch. Maybe the awful decision makers that prevent the lakefront from prospering will learn this is the type of thing Milwaukeeans are craving!


What great news!! I saw the lifeguard chairs out there and thought huh? There have never been lifeguards out there before. Definitely a step in the right direction!

dudeman brosef

The above link can shed some light on why the DNR does not wish to permit the development of restaurants on the lakefront. Policies differ from state to state, which may explain the apparent differences in school of thought between WI and other states. For example, in Chicago, I would like anyone to give me a restaurant located on the lakefront that is _NOT_ part of the Navy Pier development. We do not have a substantial project of this magnitude in Milwaukee - probably because our city is one tenth the size. The general idea is sustainability - littering the lakefront with buildings and restaurants and whathaveyou detracts from the "natural beauty" of the Lake. A project such as Navy Pier permits restaurants to be located within its confines because Navy Pier is only one location. One detraction. One obstacle. The rest of the shore is undeveloped. I agree it would be wonderful to have dining options on our lakefront, but the reasons behind it not being a reality are completely understandable if you try to understand.

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