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« Summerfest Stuff to Know & Do | Main | Vote Braun for All-Star Game! »

June 30, 2008



I liked LA. I went a couple years ago because my sister was on Wheel of Fortune! For real! It was awesome...she didn't win much though. We rented a car and visited each area of the city (venice beach, santa monica, hollywood, beverly hills) It was fun seeing things you always see in movies. Driving wasn't very fun though and I don't know if I'm dying to go back either.


It has been quiet without you!

Glad you are back.

Glad you had a fair time!

Can't wait for the new picts - love these ones....


Welcome back!

I've never been to LA but from what I've heard it's a pretty good time... or at least one of those places you should see at least once. I did hear that it's really dirty and smoggy too. I'm glad you had a nice visit and aside from working a few days, had the chance to relax and sightsee!


Nice to hear about your trip. Love the photos!

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