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May 04, 2008



Alterra's iced chocolate frappuccino is pretty tasty, but probably WAY worse for you than a smoothie.


Random, but funny.

I drink Alterra's berry smoothie all of the time. What about that one? I mean, you can't really be THAT attached to the cherry almond...can you?


Thanks Amanda, but those chocolate, tooth rotting frapps you speak of are way too sweet for my tastes. I appreciate the suggestion, though.

SuzieQ, don’t underestimate my love for the cherry almond smoothie. I’m going through withdrawal! :)


Sorry to hear about your lost love. :(

I'm an extra large, regular coffee with extra creme kinda gal - Winter, Summer, Spring Fall - Rain or Shine. I'm sorry, but I have no recommendations. I feel for 'ya tho!


You need a lemon lifter! It is so yummy - I think it's just iced tea and lemonade, but I'm not sure. It's glorious.


Doglover - Thanks for the sympathy. :)

Julia - Thanks for the suggestion! I think I'll give the lemon lifter a whirl next time. It may not be cherry and almond, but it sounds satisfying!

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