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May 05, 2008



What a fun outing for you and your mother!! (and my mouth is watering for lunch and it is only 9:26 a.m.)

I was fortunate to go to Rome’s Fontana di Trevi, and to ride a gondola along Venice’s Grand Canal, AND flirt with a handsome Italian man named - but I don't know if his name was Guido. I can't say much about cuisine, as we were on one of those "tours". Perillo. It was 1985, but if you were to go I'm sure you would still have fun! Check them out!!


BTW, the food wasn't "bad", just different - like scampi with everything still intact, pizza with pitted olives - as they never heard of black olives on a pizza before - they thought we were nuts! HAHA the memories! But for 17 and being able to go to a night club.... and buy a gucci purse from the gucci store in Rome - that is a memory I will never forgot!

Maybe some day I'll post a blog about our trip. You know, my dad didn't have the nick name "Clark W. Griswold" for nothing!


This sounds like a great event!

To be honest, I never really knew what the Italian Community Center was/did besides being involved with Festa. Obviously, this event is news to me, but it’s something I'd love to check out next year with my family and friends. Until then, I might have to stop in for lunch or dinner at Cafe La Scala – the food looks soooooo good!

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