Ask any baseball fan what they consider the official start to spring and chances are they will answer Opening Day.
In that case, it’s spring! And it is time to kick-off the 2008 baseball season at Miller Park!
Just an hour ago tailgaters began lining the parking lot outside of the stadium and I bet they’ve already fired up their grills and cracked open their coolers in celebration of the Brewers’ home opener.
With temperatures near 50 degrees outside, it certainly feels like spring and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Opening Day is kind of the city’s way of sticking it to the man and celebrating the achievement of making it through six months of another drab, gray, cold, snowy winter.
Ushering in spring is definitely a reason to celebrate today, but we all know that the coveted home opener is more of a reason to escape the routine of daily life and get rowdy. And regardless of the weather, Milwaukeeans rarely turn down a chance to throw a party, which is evident in the festival-like atmosphere surrounding Opening Day at Miller Park.
As OnMilwaukee reporter Andrew Wagner illustrates, “Roll St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, and New Year’s Eve together; toss in some baseball, and that’s a good way to describe Opening Day here.” Clearly, Opening Day is more than just a game, it’s an experience!
If you are one of the thousands of people fortunate to have tickets for the game this afternoon, I’d love to hear about your day once you’ve caught up on sleep and have nursed your hangover. Meanwhile, I’ll be surfing for updates on the score since I couldn’t get off of work. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind cracking open a cold one for me… that'd be cool too.
But don't fret if you couldn't get out of work or school to attend the Brewers' home opener. Why not head to the ballpark on Saturday instead? Tomorrow, I plan on playing catch-up by taking in the gorgeous spring afternoon – local weathermen say it will be in the 60s and sunny – and grilling up some brats and hot dogs and maybe having a couple brewskis, all to commemorate the start of the baseball season.
There also are tickets remaining for the Encore Tailgate Party, sponsored by Leff's Lucky Town, 102.9 The Hog and Tickets cost $52 for the party, which includes a tent part, food, beer and music by Old Mil, as well as a ticket to the Brewers-Giants game that afternoon. If you can't make it today, or if you simply can't get enough fun at the ol' ballpark, check it out.
But today, locals have been gearing up for the event long before I even rolled out of bed. According to my dad, the parking lots are already jam-packed with baseball fans as he and my brother head into the stadium.
Even though each year draws a huge crowd for the game, it seems that ever since last year’s winning season, Opening Day isn’t just about taking a vacation day to party, it’s more of a reason to get pumped about the Brewers. It also helps that the season opener ended with a Brewers victory over our rivals the Cubs and the Brewers winning the series, two games to one. So, it’s no wonder why everyone is looking forward to opening the season at Miller Park with a win and many more victories to come... like on Saturday. Ahem. That would be cool.
In an hour or so, just about everyone will be holding an adult beverage as they head to the stadium for the Brewers vs. the Giants match-up. But, there’s a noticeable confidence in everybody’s stumble this year as fans donning Brewers gear can taste a championship... mixed with Miller Lite and Klement's sausages, that is.
Regardless of the outcome, Opening Day still remains as the number one date in the hearts, minds (and on calendars) of baseball fans everywhere. The official countdown begins after the last pitch of the World Series when we can’t wait to hear those two magic words again, “Play Ball!”
Without further ado, let Opening Day at Miller Park commence.
Cute blog! I hope you enjoyed a few cold ones this weekend!
Posted by: wfbdoglover | April 06, 2008 at 12:03 AM
Opening Day, as always, was GREAT! I also went to the game on Saturday, so today is dedicated to recovering.
Posted by: Amanda | April 06, 2008 at 11:04 AM
And it's a SWEEP! Whoo hoo!
Posted by: Erin | April 06, 2008 at 05:01 PM
Go Brewers indeed!
Posted by: sam | April 07, 2008 at 09:43 AM
My neighbor went Friday and Saturday. As she pointed out - they are in first place! WOO HOOO
Posted by: wfbdoglover | April 07, 2008 at 11:24 AM
I decided to take the plunge and sign up for this year so I can watch Brewer games on my computer out here in NY. Of course, the one and only time the Brewers come out to play the Mets (this coming weekend), where will I be? Oh yes, in Milwaukee. Drat! Although my plan is to go straight from the airport to Miller Park on Wednesday evening... I have to catch a game while I'm in town!
Posted by: Kristin | April 07, 2008 at 10:52 PM
Opening Day Fest is Milwaukee's answer to Mardi Gras!
Posted by: Todd | April 11, 2008 at 04:06 PM