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« Earth Day at the Urban Ecology Center | Main | I Hate the Cubs. »

April 28, 2008



Karen, you're awesome!! Thanks for bringing this record breaking event to the blog audience! We WILL break this record :)


You're very welcome, Lizzie!

I'm hoping to make it there Friday night to help!


I will check with the little guy. I am sure we can fit it in our schedule.

I read about this in the 2007 World Book of Records the young man brought home from school for me. I was looking for a treading water record to break. This will be an excellent opportunity for all of us to part take in.

Lizze should contact the JCC for some extra advertising. I bet there might be a few life guards that may be interested...

If you would like a contact, I can pass on.

Now if anyone can help me on my quest to find 25 "friendly" dogs to walk to break that record, I would be greatful. I have 16...


Karen and Lizzie, this makes me want to come down to help and swim! i think it would be fun to bring a whole bus full. i hope that it all works out wonderfully! Good Luck! Enjoy the swim! i'm sure that with it only lasting for 30 minutes...the community should be able to find enough people to show up for this event! I hope to hear more about it in a future blog!


Thanks Mary! You should still come down to Milwaukee and visit me AND Lizzie anyway!!

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