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March 11, 2008



Parking and me in one breath is not allowed.... a former NYC gal I have lots of experience with parking and it makes my blood curl thinking about it!

Good for you though!


OK I didn't want to put this under your nice auto show blog, but I am still annoyed about this. My huband, dad and son went on Sunday to the auto show and they got stuck paying $20's for parking. WHY? Well the Lion King was going on. Now we ended up going to the Lion King on technically opening night - the Thursday and we had paid $8.00's for parking.

Can you see the steam coming out of my ears now?


That's weird.

I went on Saturday evening and only paid $8 in the lot across the street from the Midwest Airlines Center. Twenty dollars is a little ridiculous...

This isn't Chicago, people! :)


Well you gotta understand my dad and husband were together. They even beeped to wake the sleeping attendant to pay. Then they probably drove around for 3 levels, passing every available parking spot in front of the door to park next to the largest puddle of water and in the open wind.

They probably looked for the most expensive parking lot available too!




Why wouldn't you get a parking permit from the city of Milwaukee instead of filling out the temporary night parking form? That is the form I fill out for when people visit me from out of town. I have my own parking spot, but prior to paying for a spot, I paid around $10 (I think per year) for a day permit and then $7 every quarter for a night permit. You get them at your districts police station.


Yeah I know all about parking permits.

My boyfriend bought one for the entire year. The reason I didn't get one was first because I was supposed to have an underground parking spot at my building from the get go, and later out of pure laziness.

But because I was only parking on the street temporarily I figured, why spend the money on a year/month parking permit when I was just waiting on my manager to give me the okay. Thus, "one parking ticket per week" was all I got because I immediately got a parking spot after seven days.

It really wasn't a big deal (what was said in the blog was for dramatic effect anyway). :)

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