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March 20, 2008



I hope to see you around on the Oak Leaf Trail! This is one of my favorite and new discovery. While you are checking out the Urban Ecology Center - may I suggest renting their Tandum? It is included in your memebership and a hoot to bike along with a friend. My son and I enjoyed it last summer. It was our method of transportation to one of their summer camps.


Tandem bikes are FABULOUS!

I'm really excited to get involved with the Urban Ecology Center too. Maybe I'll run into you sometime. Otherwise, I'm always taking the Oak Leaf Trail to various places.

Last spring I took the OLT from the East Side out to New Berlin. That was a really fun, but long bike ride; however, it doesn't compare to the 50-mile haul I took while participating in the Miller Lite Ride for the Arts last summer...

I digress. (I'm in a chatty mood)

I'm definitely going to take your suggestion about renting the bikes. Eric's bike was stolen last fall, so a tandem bicycle will be a great way for us to still hit the paths together. :)



So sorry to hear about Eric's bike! May I suggest the City of Milwaukee's Auction website...

There is nothing going on right this minute, but I did get a bike for my son a couple years back for $40.00's. It is a "ride to school" we don't care if it is stolen bike and has lasted us 3 years. It is the motorcycle style - but before those fancy ones came out.

Otherwise, like you said - the EUC is a really good option and right off the OLT!

Have a very Happy Easter!


I forgot to mention, another good place to look for things are auctions. There is one every Wednesday at Serbhall.

They have a variety of items. I have gotten some very nice things and didn't win a moped - went to high in price -- but do keep looking.

Keep an eye out at You never know, you may find a bike of some sort and get a really good price on it too!

I know their web page isn't updated, but I called the owner and her web provider changed service and they haven't quite figured out the problem yet. Should be back up to being updated soon!


Thanks for the tips! I really appreciate it. I'll let Eric know and I'm sure he'll be grateful. :)


You are welcome!


It could be worse. You could have to watch the Bulls instead of the Bucks. yeesh.


Yeesh is right!

I totally sympathize. But at least you can hold onto the fact that once upon a time the Bulls were six-time World Champions! All Milwaukee has is 1971 when the Bucks finished 66-16 (the most wins in franchise history), and then steamrolled through the playoffs to win the NBA Championship that April. At least we have one Championship title under our belt... I guess.

Oh the good ol' days...*sigh*

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