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March 23, 2008



To answer your question about your favorite Irish Foods it just so happens last Friday night, I went out with my husband and father. We got home and I told my husband I wish we could have an Irish Breakfast. In our BC days (that's before child), we lived in New York and lived in a very Irish Community. I think I mentioned before, my husband was born and raised in Northern Ireland.

Anyhow, all of the 'cafe restaurants had Irish Breakfast's 24/7. Since we never went out until 11:00 p.m., we would stay out until 4:00 a.m. and hit the "Kosey Korner" for an Irish Breakfast on our way home. They consisted of 2 - eggs over easy, Irish Bacon (to die for), White and Black Pudding and Irish Sausages - OH and I can't forget the potatos. They are cut into tiny bits and fried in oil. No one can make them like my husband.

Shepards Pie is another main staple, as well as Sausage Rolls. A delicious flaky dough crust around a sausage. Most meals are served with Heinz Baked Beans.

I do have to tell you, my husband insists that there is no corn beef as a St. Patricks Day tradition in Ireland.

Most of the Irish foods, you can buy at


OOh by the way, Bushmills Irish Wiskey is to die for - my drink of choice!


Wow! That sounds like a great time! I especially like the family-style dinner you have after all of your hard work in the kitchen. Very cool.


I'm jealous.


Nice write-up. This class sounds really cool!


I have to agree with Mandy. I too am jealous, and now, also quite hungry. Very good descriptive piece, I could visualize the meals being prepared before me. I would love to take one of these classes and am planning on getting more information. Thanks for the information, I had no idea this type of thing existed outside of a school/community center setting.


Scott, I thought you might like to know that I talked to Sandi (the instructor) today and she said she'll be posting a list of summer cooking classes very soon. Make sure you take a look

She also said that she might be teaching a grilling class, which would be really fun! I might signup for that one if I have a chance. Otherwise, I'll probably take another class some other time.

It was so much fun! You'd love it, Scott.

Sandra Hillmer

Karen- Thank you for the great write up on my cooking class. It's always wonderful to get the students perspective and feed back. It helps me fine tune the classes and make them better and better. You and Eric were a pleasure to have and did an awesome job! I have been putting the Cashel chicken on client menus and everyone loves it. Your both invited back anytime!

The summer cooking class schedule has been posted to my web site:

I listened to all of the suggestions and have lots of grilling recipes including a grilling vegetarian class and a pizza on the grill class. They are filling up fast and I'm looking forward to them as much as the warmer weather!

Thanks again and have a great summer! Sandi Hillmer

PS Love your blog - you do an amazing job. Keep up the great work!

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