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« Cooking with Irish Spirit | Main | Downtown Workers, I Envy You. »

March 25, 2008



OK, now you've got me! This has been on my list of things to do - since opening weekend and I am embarassed to realize that it is now 3 years ago!

Thanks for such an informative blog. I feel like I was there myself and my mouth is watering!!

I will definately make plans to go down to this.


Don't feel embarrassed! It took me awhile before I actually got there. But definitely go, especially in the summer for the outdoor urban market. I think you'll like it.

Oh! When you go, make sure you try Ceriello Fine Foods' tomato vodka sauce. It's to die for!


My favorite pasta is Penne ala voda! I will definately look for Ceriellos!!



I love the Public Market, but we always forget to go there. It's good for getting little treats to bring over to people's houses and have you SEEN the mini-key lime pies?? So adorable.


There is a great article I read about how they are trying to get local farmers more involved with the market. Apparently the market is doing so well because of the consumer's need for readymade meals. I love that the market is located in the 3rd Ward and is super convenient for those getting off of the express way or coming home from work. If you don't have the time to cook but want a meal that tastes homemade then the Public Market is the place to go.


Julia, I've had the mini key lime pies you mentioned. They are delicious! I actually brought a bunch to my friend's b-day get-together and they were a hit!

You're right about the Public Market being the place to go for little treats. The pre-made plates, spreads and cheeses make great party snacks!


Melanie, I’m one out of the many people who apparently go to the Public Market specifically for the ready-made meals.

That sounds like an interesting article. Where'd you find it?

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