Beer and pizza are tastes that, for many of us, just seem to go together. But what about beer that tastes like pizza?
Pizza and beer have been combined and bottled and now mass-produced as the first culinary beer in Milwaukee! I found out about this strange enterprise last week and needed to share it with all of you beer nuts.
According to the story I saw on Fox 6, two suburban Illinois hobbyists Tom and Athena Seefurth came up with the idea of brewing a pizza beer just last year. With their home brewing kit and a garden filled with too many tomatoes and plenty of garlic, oregano and basil, Pizza Beer was created.
Take a look here and see how the Chicagoland couple made this odd blend – there are actually real pieces of pizza stirred into the mix.
Okay, does the idea of pizza-flavored beer appeal to anyone out there?
Believe it or not, the popularity of their home-brew grew so quickly that Tom and Athena needed a local brewery to help them churn out hefty amounts of their concoction in order to meet the demand. Finally, Sprecher Brewery gave them the green light and now cases of Mama Mia’s Pizza Beer are flying off the shelves at Sprecher’s store.
Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I think it seems kind of on par with Bloody Marys. I’m a bit skeptical, but I’m definitely going to try it. In fact, I’m planning to take the Sprecher Brewery tour in the next few weeks just so I can taste the new beer myself. (Bottles are sold for $2 at the store.)
Those who've already had a sample claim it smells and tastes just like pizza, which would be any pizza and beer lover’s dream come true, right? Apparently, it has the same sudsy and hoppy flavor of beer with a hint of spice that will give you the illusion that you downed a couple slices of pizza at Zaffiro’s.
It can't be too bad.
Side note: I bought Eric a beer brewing kit for Christmas and we have finished our first brew – 43 bottles of IPA. We had so much fun brewing that we are thinking about our next venture. Tom and Athena's Pizza Beer has inspired us to experiment with bratwurst beer; after all, beer brats are a Milwaukee favorite!
Inject the pizza beer into the ends of your brats, let them sit overnight. Cook & pair with our Pizza Beer! Thanks for the kudos!
Chef Tom & Mamma Mia
Posted by: Chef Tom & Mamma Mia | February 15, 2008 at 06:19 PM
Ugh! This beer sounds so gross!
Posted by: Audra | February 15, 2008 at 08:58 PM
I think I will have them separate, but would try it if someone gave it to me.
Posted by: char | February 17, 2008 at 07:37 PM