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« Contest Details | Main | BBC is Just the Ticket! »

January 14, 2008



I have a couple of ideas, but at this time have to admit that i am stumped. I am just hoping that no one gets this before I have a chance to take a better look/do some more research.

Great contest!


I think I have an idea.

That last one is kind of tricky though, but all are probably solvable (if that’s a word).


I know the answers and I'll be taking $30 bribes *grin*


I've almost gotten into three different accidents while driving around the city trying to figure this out.


Geez! This is way harder than I thought. I had answers right away to all three but then started to doubt one of them... then two... then all three. So yeah, hmph.


Do I get to submit muliple guesses until I get it right?


Don’t drive recklessly because of this. Please! I’m glad it’s stumping you though. No one has figured out all of them yet, but several people have been very close.

Amanda, you can submit as many guesses as you want. However, I’m not going to say who’s right until Friday (or whenever I get the correct answers). Remember, the winner is the first person who can identify ALL THREE photos.

Keep guessing. You still have plenty of time!


Here is a hint for the first is not McDonalds....good luck ;)

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