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January 31, 2008



Aw, that sucks!!

Good to know, though, for those of us who might want to check them out in the future ... so thanks! And sorry the night was such a bust!


Cash is king! Unless you're destitute, you should never go anywhere without at least $20 on ya.

Servin' Justice

Boo for missing the roller derby!!! We certainly weren't prepared for the gigantic crowd we attended at our Championships, and I'm sad that there wasn't an "Option 3" that included running into a good friend that was just walking in that you could bum some cash from.

With every bout, we learn something new! WE NEED AN ATM! :)

Smirk Savage

our travel season starts in april and i encourage you to check back for the home games. they start [i'm pretty sure] in july... come check it out then.

the travel games are way more brutal than our regular season games and probably would be a lot more exciting to watch for a first timer. ;D

sorry you had such a problem. i'll pass it along to the web master and get that info posted on the site. thanks!


Thanks for the info!

I REALLY want to see you ladies in action! Where do you travel for games? (Those sound like fun to watch!)

I'll certainly check your site for more information regarding your home games. I can't wait for them to start again -- this time I'm determined to go!

I'm glad you stopped by!!!

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