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December 03, 2007



I used to love Comet, until I read this article about one of their employees in MKE:

(Note: Gross out factor ahead. Don't read this if you are eating or even thinking about eating at this moment!!)

Don't know if he's still there (and just can't bring myself to eat there anymore), but if is still working there, I seriously hope he stays at the bar and out of the kitchen!!


That's kind of like when you're eating something that tastes delicious, and then you find out what it actually is and you spit it out in disgust. That was my reaction to escargot.

Audra, I don't think I want to read that article! It will ruin my impression of Comet. Gross.


I hate snow and winter. However...Comet is a wonderful place. Especially if you like chili.


A couple hours later I got the courage to read the MKE article...

It's not even about the food or service at Comet! I totally read into your comment, Audra. Thank goodness! Sure that guy is a little strange, kind of gross too, but Comet still serves the same delicious food with friendly service!

I'm so relieved!!!


Melanie, you live in Wisconsin... didn't know if you realized that or not. Just kidding around. You're totally right bout their chili though. It's fantastic!


Speaking of chili, Milwaukee's Chili Bowl II, the area's largest chili cook-off, is back this Saturday from 4-8 p.m. at State Fair Park. For $15 at the door ($10 in advance) you get to sample and vote for the best chili out of over 40 restaurants and bars. If you're interested take a look at this site for the list of vendors and additional info


No, the article itself is not about Comet. But the subject of the article is (or was) employed by them, and I like to at least try and convince myself that the people who come into contact with my food and beverages aren't going out of their way to come into contact with extraneous amounts of, uhm... waste products!


You're never going to know what most people do for recreation, well, unless an article is written about it I guess...


Comet also has a beer school. Check it:

I'm planning to go to the next one.


So am I! Seriously.

I've been trying to make it to their beer school for months, but up until November I was playing volleyball every Tuesday night.

From the tabletop ad it looks like a good time! If plans don’t fall through, I’ll probably see you there for some brewskis.

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