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« Snow Flurries and Scrambled Eggs | Main | Finally! »

December 06, 2007



Cloud Cult. Thanks for the head's up. I dig their myspace stuff. I may just have to head out there. I'm already into the Turner Hall Ballroom, so, it could be a sweet evening.


I have yet to see a show in the Turner Hall Ballroom. It’s ridiculous. I hear the renovation looks pretty sweet though.

I think you'll enjoy the show tonight. If you make it, let me know what you think of them live.


I got an email from Turner Hall that eluded to bean bags. Can someone confirm that they have bean bags at Turner Hall...or did I just make that up in a dream?


I believe the bean bags you are refering to are love sacks (sp?)/(tm?). I saw this listed as well and I do not recall for what show specifically. I do believe it is promotion based and not for every show.

I attended the They Might Be Giants show and there were no bean bags/love sacks in sight. For the record though, I thougt it was a great venue for a show and look forward to seeing more shows there in the future.

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