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« Fall Gallery Night | Main | The Domes »

October 26, 2007



I love this time of year....on Friday I spent the night craving with friends too. I take the seeds and bake them. Do you ever use the seeds? What kind of recipes do you suggest?


I'm pissed. I carved a pumpking probably the same night you did and two days later I had to toss it. It got moldy!


I see. So my pumpkin was too ugly to put up on your site :)


Hey Mary, after we carved our pumpkins a couple weeks ago we baked the seeds. Well, I didn't actually bake them (some friends did), but I ate them and they were delicious! I'll see if I can find some recipies for you... and for me.

I'm glad you're enjoying the season!


Amanda, we also had to put our pumpkins to rest a couple days later. Boo. The inside of my pumpkin grew black, fuzzy mold - it looked like it ate my cat! Unfortunately, I didn't even get to take a photo of it before we tossed it.

Also, I heard on the news that it was a bad pumpkin season due to the unseasonably warm temperatures. I think last year it was bad because of the frost...

Eric, your pumpkin couldn't measure up to my second prize jack-o-lantern!

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