“Milwaukee, Wisconsin" will be featured as a puzzle on tonight’s episode of Wheel of Fortune.
Wheel of Fortune not only was in town recently for tryouts, but marked the beginning of its 25th season on September 10 this year. According to the Nielsen TV Ratings, the game show still pulls in 47 million viewers per week, making it the longest-running and most successful syndicated series.
Make sure to watch Wheel of Fortune tonight or set your DVRs because you'll feel pretty smart when you’re able to solve the puzzle with ease.
Wheel of Fortune airs weeknights at 6 p.m. on Channel 58.
One time, when I was in high school, my business teacher was on Wheel of Fortune. We thought it was sooooo cool.
That's all.
Posted by: Mandy | October 15, 2007 at 11:15 AM
Milwaukee seems to be in a lot of movies and tv. Mostly mentioned as the beer capitol. Do you or anyone find that Milwaukee is mentioned in a good way or negative way in entertainment?
Posted by: Char | October 16, 2007 at 09:27 AM
best game show ever!!!
Posted by: Justin | October 16, 2007 at 11:58 AM
First off the Wheel of Fortune is fantastic. Probably because I think I am good at it. But it seems to me that's part of the whole schtick and what makes it so good. They seem to get people on there who can't figure out the puzzles, so that the average viewer feels they are smart and has a good time watching it.
And Char, in my opinion Milwaukee is more often than not shown in a less than favorable light in the media as of late. We are referred to as fat in The Simpsons, and also as a state worse than hell in Dogma. I honestly can't think of anything positive I have seen on television or film that has put us in a good light. Maybe American Movie?...wait, probably not so much.
Posted by: Scott | October 16, 2007 at 01:52 PM
I agree with you, Scott. Much of the media focuses on Milwaukee’s negative stereotypes. And we all know they aren't completely based on facts. They are merely an oversimplified generalization and opinion.
Even though movies like Dogma and Love Actually make our city seem less desirable, and TV shows like Family Guy and the Simpsons poke fun at us, I still think that Milwaukee is finally beginning to be portrayed as a reputable city. In addition, I believe that because Milwaukee is in the middle of some sort of Renaissance, the positive attention will outweigh the negative sooner than later.
But how do we rid the city of negative stereotypes?
And do you think that being labeled as brat binging, beer guzzling cheese heads has a negative impact on how we are viewed? Or is it something Milwaukee is proud of?
Posted by: Karen | October 16, 2007 at 10:47 PM
I hate that Milwaukee gets such a bad rap in the media. When I was telling people that I was moving to Milwaukee they were like, "Why?"
Because it's cool people.
Outsiders are still stuck in the Laverne and Shirley, Happy Days, Nick at Night B.S., which does nothing for our reputation.
Furthermore, being said that all we do is drink beer and eat brats until we weigh 300lbs is ridiculous. I'm annoyed by that stereotype. There's so much more that we have and we could represent - like our great at scene, culture, etc.
Posted by: Amanda | October 20, 2007 at 10:35 AM