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October 16, 2007



Make some pies! (See recipe on my blog). But, to that add some of those tiny caramels that you can buy this time of year. They melt all in with the apples and it's the best - Caramel Apple Pie. YUM.


Mandy- Yum is right! I remember finding your apple pie recipe on your blog and commenting on how delicious it sounds. Thanks for reminding me. That's exactly what I should do with my mound of apples! And the caramel will be a great touch. Thanks!!!



I must have forgot to tell you about my other blog when I started it a few months ago. Thanks for stopping by!


You should post your apple crisp recipe


I could... except that it's not really a recipe since I don’t measure anything, well, unless you count handfuls or dollops or pinches as measurements. I tend to just throw ingredients together. You know this. Surprisingly, my concoctions usually come out really well, but I never follow a recipe.

If anyone actually wants it, I can come up with something to follow. Otherwise, enjoy the photo. :)


Sounds like an interesting place. I've driven past and now I will have to stop.

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