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August 17, 2007



Every time I go to the State Fair I wonder why I'm going. The people-watching is fantastic, but the food is sub par (I don't get the cream puff love either -- I'm pretty sure I could make a better one at home) and there's little to do except watch animals. Well, and the Expo Center -- doesn't it feel like an infomercial that exploded inside a building?

And yet, when I left the State Fair this year, I felt like I had had fun as well. But why do I keep going back?


I really enjoyed reading the beginning of this post. It was neat hearing your perspective and I appreciate your honesty and openness. I on the other hand really love the State Fair. I'm excited to go every year and take a six-pack of cream puffs home with me.


I'm in love with this blog. I find that everytime I can appreciate the beauty that you display for the readers! Thanks for getting me excited for so many activities. I'm not directly living in Milwaukee, but, it makes me want to move or at least visit more often!


Yeah the creme puffs make me gag...those cookie icing sandwiches, though...mmmm...yummy


Craig, you're funny. I'm glad we see eye to eye on the Fair. I especially liked your description of the Expo Center. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Yay for people watching too!

Thanks for the kind words. That’s what this site is supposed to do. Now, you should visit Milwaukee!


If only I could have gotten that damn monster cookie...

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