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« Root, Root for the Brewers | Main | It's not just the beer, but perhaps the kielbasa »

June 21, 2007


Steve M.

Just a little hint from one Brewers fan to another...we don't really call them the "Brew Crew"...we just call them "The Crew". :)


Steve, nice to hear from an authority on the subject. Even though I only went to half the home games last year, I was never privy to this information. Apparently they must have handed out the memo at one of the games I missed. Thanks again for the tip. I and everyone else I know had been refering to them as the Brew Crew. I will spread the word postehaste. Wow, do I feel like an ass. Thanks again.

Steve M.

Wow, relax Scott...having grown up with the team and followed their every move, I have just come to notice that they have been called the "Crew" much more than the "Brew Crew" among long-suffering fans. Also, simply going to the games does not make one a true fan or an authority.

"Lighten up Frances!"


Um, who cares? Brew Crew, Crew? Packers, Pack?

Means the same thing.

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