After spending way too much time trying to come up with an appropriate name for my new blog, I finally bit the bullet and started one up on Sunday.
I’ve done six posts in three days in an attempt to build up a little content.
It’s a bit fluffy so far, but I like to think it won’t always be. I imagine there will be plenty of random musings and rants, some links to news stories and videos, and I also hope to be able to ruffle a few feathers from time to time since I so very much enjoy doing that. J
I may have a few writing opportunities in the works - and I hope to have more eventually! - and I plan to use the blog as a showcase for those, too.
And of course, continuing to get out and about in my great city of Milwaukee will surely be on the new blog agenda, as well!
I do hope that some of you who have come to be regulars around here will check in on my new site from time to time. (While of course continuing to read Play in the City!)
I’ve “met” so many great friends through blogging, and I hope to be able to continue our online relationships!
So here it is: