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« The Decemberists at the Pabst | Main | Moving on from Play in the City ... »

April 23, 2007



That's awesome that you ran into Mark Borchardt. I was walking past Koppas last Halloween and they were filming a zombie movie in the store. I went up to Mark and started talking to him about Coven. I made the mistake of asking "when is it coming out" forgetting that at the end of American Movie it actually is released. His response was hilarious and he told me to make sure I rent it from some video store in Riverwest. Next we watched him and Mike Schank film the movie for a little bit. They had the guy behind the meat counter play a role in it as a zombie. Let's just say we left before they asked us if we wanted to be in the movie.

Dave, how was Andrew Bird? I saw Bright Eyes last night @ The Pabst and it was insane (literally). Go to Mirr World and make sure you watch the last video.


I miss Kiersten =(


Just wanted to say thanks again for hosting us this weekend. We had such a great time with you and Dave, and it got us so excited to move to the area! I really think that Milwaukee is going to be good to us. :)

A note on the Organ Piper - I love that place! Great pizza, great music, great ducks, what more could a gal ask for on a Friday night?!


I'm so excited you are moving back Amanda!!! Milwaukee is a FANTASTIC city, I know you guys will be very happy here =)


The Organ Piper is so great. I have so many childhood memories there. $27?!? That is fantastic. I too, have not been there in about 10 years. I think its time for a return.


ditto Chris ":_)()*&#*$" (I meant to frown). I haven't the faintest idea of how to create emotion faces! What a bizarre concept.

Anyway, bet I'll call you first!! ">>:?./%$@+={}:"

Oh, and btw, that was a smiley, yet squeemish, brow-raised, lips-fished, nose-flared, gleeful (like my mother), smirk
(just in case you didn't understand my special, cool, untapped-but-patented, language of keyboard/pad symbols)


haha Kiers, I think that's your very first comment on Erin's blog. Congratulations!!!! =)

Sarah M

I'm pretty sure last time I was at Organ Piper, Kiersten licked my eyeball. Ah, memories.

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