What a sweet feeling it is when you build something up in your mind, get your hopes up, and then that something turns out to be just as satisfying and exciting as you'd anticipated.
I purchased the tickets to see Jodi Picoult at Alverno College back in the beginning of January, so I had weeks and weeks to anticipate meeting her, read a couple more of her books and look forward to her newest. And I had weeks and weeks to chat with my online BFF, Krista, via email and Facebook, getting to know her better and sharing my excitement about our big face-to-face introduction.
When I first bought the tickets, March 15 sounded so far away; however, Thursday came fast, and suddenly I was nervous.
Krista was fabulous on paper – or online, as it goes. She's hilarious and smart and we have a lot in common – but would she be cool in person? What if we were ruining a beautiful friendship by meeting in person and, possibly, being disappointed?
She arrived at my house around 5:45 on Thursday evening, having gotten out of work in Oshkosh early to make the drive. When I saw her pull up, I ran down the stairs and opened my front door, and I gave her a big old hug on the porch before inviting her up. No worrying was necessary - I could tell right away that we'd like each other in person, too.
She met Dave, changed out of her work clothes and got a brief tour of the place, and after posing for a couple pictures to document our big date, we were out the door.
The plan had been to get some dinner and drinks, but the reading started at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. as we'd originally thought, so there wasn't time. We hit up our local Noodles for a quick bite and then were on our way to the Pittman Theater at Alverno College.
Women of all ages, from high school age to elderly, packed the theater. Krista and I presented our tickets at the door and were each given a hardcover copy of Nineteen Minutes as we entered the auditorium. I smelled its new book smell and clutched it to my chest as we walked down one of the side aisles, determined to find the best two seats we could.
We ended up about 2/3 of the way back and had about 10 minutes to spare before Jodi was to take the stage. The crowd of 500 ladies – with the occasional man sprinkled in – was buzzing and eager, and everyone hushed when a presenter approached the podium to explain the post-show book signing process.
When she was finished, another woman appeared from behind the curtain and Ms. Picoult followed closely behind. There she was, curly brown hair, in a long skirt and boots, looking happy and calm, and totally normal.
But to two book nerds and would-be novelists (if only we knew where to begin) like us, she was anything but normal.
She is what so many strive to be but what so few actually become: a successful, talented, widely-acclaimed author whose novels are both respected and admired by critics and the literary world and also loved and devoured by the general public.
Right off the bat, she announced that Nineteen Minutes would be her first novel to debut at number one on the New York Times Bestseller List, which was of course met with huge applause.
Jodi was just as fun to listen to as her books are to read. She was friendly and outgoing, and animated as she read small excerpts from her book. She read just enough so that we were all enthralled by the story of a school shooting and its aftermath, and anxious to get home and dive into the rest of the book.
For nearly an hour after she read aloud, she answered questions from the audience, and there was never a shortage of arms raised high into the air. She spoke about her education (Princeton and Harvard, wow) and first jobs (copy editing, Wall Street), her husband and three kids, her writing routine, and her favorite authors. She also answered many questions about her different novels, about certain scenes and endings, her research methods, and about the emotions she goes through since she writes about such controversial and stirring subject matter.
There were still a dozen hands raised when it was time to wrap up, but if she hadn't stopped, we'd have probably been there all night. Jodi retreated to the lobby area and guests were let out according to the letters we had stuck in our book. We were letter E so we had about a half-hour wait until we could get up.
When it was finally our turn, we hopped into the quickly-moving line. A young guy asked our names so Jodi wouldn't have to and he wrote them on a Post-It. When we approached the table, a woman took our books and laid them on the table in a stack, while Jodi plowed on through, writing each person's name and "Enjoy!" along with her signature in the front of each book.
It all happened really fast, but we got a few pics and we each managed a hello and thank you, which was good enough for us! I mean, I suppose we were secretly hoping that she'd stop what she was doing, invite us to meet her for a drink afterward and proceed to tell us how to be just like her, but alas, that did not happen.
We made the drive back to my house and then Krista had to hit the road. We hugged good-bye and made tentative plans to get together again (and again) – for sushi, for running, for game night with our guys.
I loved Krista and I loved Jodi and the night was simply fantastic. A new friend and a new book all in one night, what could be better!
Schwartz Books and Alverno bring in some big name authors on a fairly regular basis, so be sure to watch their websites for info. In May, Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk will be here, which Dave was pretty psyched to find out.
Jodi cranks out a book every year, so she'll likely be back next spring. Krista and I will definitely be in attendance, and maybe this time Ms. Picoult will ask us for drinks.
Hey, we book nerds can dream!
Dear Jodi,
I love you! Hi! Do you want to be friends? OK, write back soon!
P.S. Jodi rocked. I recommend all of you read her books immediately. That's all I've got. Also, excuse that picture of my head. I have no idea what is happening there. Thanks.
(Hi, Erin!)
Posted by: Krista | March 19, 2007 at 10:26 AM
Oh, furthermore, I also met Dave in real life, people. And remember all those good looking pictures of them? Like, that one time they got married? OK, good, because they're totally that hot in real life.
Posted by: Krista | March 19, 2007 at 10:27 AM
Erin, OK, I'm totally jealous! Wish I could have gotten my new Nineteen Minutes signed. :( Anyway, so glad that you got the chance. Enjoy the book!
Posted by: Kimberly | March 19, 2007 at 11:23 PM
Krista is a liar. Erin and Dave look like monkeys. :^)
Posted by: Andre Robitaille | March 22, 2007 at 02:37 PM
Hey, I googled "meeting Jodi Picoult" and this entry came up, and wow, I'm really glad I read it! I'm going tonight to the same event and I'm REALLY excited, and it helps more to know what is going to be happening! :) Maybe you'll be there!
Posted by: Erica | March 12, 2008 at 01:07 PM