December came in with a bang today!
Last night when I went to bed, visions of a long, cozy, unexpected day off from work danced in my head. The weathermen were calling for 4-12 inches of snow in southeastern Wisconsin and, just like I used to when I was in school, I hoped with all my might to be on the 12 inches side of things so that maybe, just maybe, it'd be too dangerous to venture out to work come morning.
When the alarm went off, I sprang out of bed to peek out the windows and - sure enough! - we were BURIED. The wind was blowing, the snow was falling, lightning was flashing and sporadic thunder was shaking the house. I turned on the TV to find that we were under "Blizzard Advisory" in Milwaukee County and, on top of all schools being closed (this is Milwaukee Public Schools' first snow day in a decade!), the National Weather Service was advising that people stay inside and off the roads if at all possible.
The phone call came shortly thereafter – my boss decided we'd be closed today. Boo-yah!!
I'd already showered and gotten ready so I didn't go back to bed. Dave kissed me good bye and headed out to try to get out of the driveway when I heard the advisory from the National Weather Service. I put my boots on with my bathrobe and ran outside to convince him to stay home. He wasn't too happy about it at first, but in the end he decided to stay put.
Now the snow has finally stopped and we're about to go outside to shovel the sidewalk and driveway. I feel like a giddy little kid being home on a Friday because of the weather, but I wish I had a better snow day companion! I want to go sledding, go for a walk, do something, but grumpy Dave hates the snow and wants to avoid it as much as possible.
My plan is to engage him in a snowball fight, and then he'll have no choice but to play with me!
Be back later probably with some photos of the winter wonderland!
UPDATE, 9 pm – Here are a few photos I took while we were out shoveling today.
My fuzzy feelings toward our "winter wonderland" disintegrated pretty quickly once we got to work on that snow. The foot of it that we got was HEAVY, and it was COLD outside.
We spent an hour digging out of the sidewalk and driveway, sweating and freezing at the same time, and it would have taken even longer than that had our nice neighbor not offered us his snow blower for a while.
There was no snowball fight, and even if Dave had wanted to go sledding or for a walk, I wouldn't have been down for it. I wanted to get inside as quickly as possible to warm up and nurse my aching back!
I'm still very grateful for our day off, though. The sun came out this afternoon and we walked a few blocks to get a movie and some food and have been taking it easy the rest of the day.
You gotta love an impromptu three-day weekend!
Check! :^)
On the way to work, I saw three cars in the ditch, a jackknifed semi, an SUV on its side, and a five-car pileup.
Posted by: Andre | December 01, 2006 at 11:57 AM
HORRAY FOR SNOW! I don't care how old we get, a snow is still just as fun as it was when we were 5 =)
Posted by: Christi | December 01, 2006 at 12:42 PM
Hooray for snow days! It was so great being able to feel like a kid again and have an actual snow day!!! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ;-)
Posted by: Jayne | December 02, 2006 at 01:45 AM