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« While I was away ... | Main | The honeymoon! »

November 06, 2006



Congratulations again! You look so beautiful, and everything looks magnificent, and ... I'm going to run out of good adjectives if I keep going. Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes!


I just started crying recapping the evening.

And I promise this time they weren't tears of selfishness =)


Beautiful recap. I had tears in my eyes while reading and looking at your pictures. You were a gorgeous bride and it looks like all the hard work you put in truly paid off. Congrats again! : )


OMG Erin--everything looked perfect! I'm so happy for you:) Your pictures look great and I can't wait to see more! Isn't it the most surreal thing when they open the doors and you walk down the aisle--I get chills thinking about it!

How did you like Frogman?? Can't wait to see that video!

Paul Jefferies

Hey Erin,
I only just remembered you did this! What fun reading your blow by blow account of the day. You are a real sweetheart and it was a delight to be included in the celebration. I wish you and Dave all the best and would be thrilled if you dropped by to see me sometime. God bless.


Oh, man. You looked BEAUTIFUL and stunning, and that dress is so gorgeous, and your husband is a doll! Sigh. It sounded magical.

Congratulations. Seriously.


That video is SO COOL! I love it!!! That is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen done for a wedding.


That was a fantastic recap of the entire day. It made me so excited for when it is my turn! You looked fantastic - I LOVE that removable lace piece you wore at the ceremony - beautiful...and unique. I have never seen anything like it. Looks like a ton of fun. Can't wait to hear about the honeymoon!


That video was AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see the real thing.


You were such a beautiful bride!


Hi all!

Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!


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