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November 19, 2006


Christi KNOW i'm always game for stuff like that. I'll make the trip into Mil Town for it. Just let me know when and where!


I'm not sure I could manage that. I just started exercising again this week, with the last time being the middle of 1999, and I'm falling apart.


Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thanks to Erin and Dave for coming in a giving us a try. They both did great and we can't wait for them to come back. I also wanted to assure everyone that you are encouraged to go at your own pace. The class can be as intense or moderate as you choose to make it. The side benefit of our program is that you WILL get in shape, but you shouldn't rush it. You are all welcome to come in a try it anytime, I think you'll have a great time! Thanks, Kurt


I can't wait to go back. I'm itching to dish out some more groin kicks.


Erin, hope to see you and your husband at the class again soon! I'm really starting to notice a positive difference in my energy levels, physique, and confidence. Since I started in Ocotober, I've also found that I sleep better and am more active at work.


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