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October 13, 2006



I'll be sure to stay away from the bars this weekend. I don't know if I could stand to see you with all sorts of weiner-shaped paraphernalia and a t-shirt with candy taped all over it.


Oh Andre, you should know by now that that is NOT my style! There will be no penis paraphernalia! I will, however, be wearing a quite skimpy white shirt with the word BRIDE blazened across it. :)

No bar-hopping, either. We'll be at just one place downtown, and its initials are BS. Anyone who wants to figure that out should come on down and buy me a drink!! :)


It is *SO* your style. And you are obviously going to Brew Sity.



Wrong. And Wrong.

Hmmm, maybe BHS is a better abbreviation for it. That's also the abbreviation for where I went to high school. Craaaaazy.


I think your sneaking suspicion about Sunday will be correct! Have fun at "your last night out" at the BS. And don't underestimate your friends. My wife didn't think there would be any penis stuff at her bachelorette party and she was way off!

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