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September 03, 2006



I notice when everyone else is getting ready, Dave is *not* wearing his helmet. And where is his fanny pack?!


Did you run over any war protesters during your tour?


I'm kind of disappointed that Dave didn't try jumping the river with his like he said he was going to. I guess that's the sort of thing you'd need a red, white, and blue helmet and cape for.


I drove over a puddle next to the Milwaukee River. Too bad Erin didn't snap an action photo. It was X-TREME!!!!!!!


This looks like so much fun. What a great way to explore the city, too, for those who may have just moved to the area or are looking to move there. Glad you enjoyed it!


hahah I love touristy little gimmicky things. They make me laugh, just as this post did =)


Hey Erin,

Looks like you two had an awesome time. I know the feeling too because I went Segway golfing today! Check out my post over at Mirr World about it:

I have some video clips too, which really capture how fun Segways are to use.

I'll have to check out the city tour sometime soon!

 Tour guide Kaye

I'm glad you had a fun Segway experience. More of the same for your readers who come and join us. Thanks for the excellent write up. The PR will do us good! Maybe I'll even get a raise!

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