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« Just in time! | Main | Humble Beginnings »

September 17, 2006



Hi Erin. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading this entry. The excitement in your writer's voice as the date approaches is so obvious in your words and in your tone.

The only certainty in wedding preps is that there will be uncertainty. I don't have a whole lot of experience: I'm just a guy, and I've only been through the experience once. Oh, and I have no intention of ever doing it again (it doesn't get better than life with my wife and kids, so...)

But when we went through the pre-wedding steps, we learned to let a lot of the craziness roll off of us like water off of a duck's back. If we hadn't we would have gone insane. Well, MORE insane than I already am :)

You're handling things masterfully. I wish I could have read you before we got married.


Here from Michele. Soooooooooooo sorry it took me so long. I didn't forget. Actually I did. A minor emergency turned up here and one thing led to another and another and now I am finally back.

A wedding! Wow, I don't remember all this to do, but that was 32 years ago now. Sorry to say it didn't work out that well. We made it for 12 years. But I'm sure yours will be stupendous, wonderful and marvelous.


So, you're going to have the same anniversary as my parents. Yay. As if that makes one bit of difference to you. Ha... Anyhow, I can't WAIT 'til my planning starts coming along. I'm excited for you!!


Please, do what you can NOT to be a Bridezilla!


LOL Thanks Loser!

I'm trying my best not to be - and I think anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm doing a good job.

Hey, I just cried, I didn't raise hell or act mean! No bridezilla here. :)


I can testify that Erin isn't quite bridezilla, but I did recently get an email that stated "I'm the bride, and I say so." Just teasing. The whole experience has been pleasant and you've been a wonderful bride-to-be.

Great post. I'm sorry that things went a little crazy on Saturday, but I'm so glad that it all worked out in the end! I can't believe how close the wedding is now!


HI! First time visitor. Sticky weather notwithstanding, this must be very exciting! I think those photos will serve to give you GREAT memories! CONGRATS!


What an exciting time for you, I hope everything turns out wonderful. Michele sent me.


so excited for you! I remember those days leading up to the most special day when Jaime and I became one. Such an awesome feeling!

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