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« I'm going to burst! | Main | Happy First Day of Fall! »

September 19, 2006



I am thrilled for you, Erin!

As someone whose career is based pretty much on exchanging words for money, I understand your excitement on an pretty much innate level.

My first check was so much more than a number. It was an absolute revelation that my work could be valued in that way.

Every time I'm paid for my writing, I still get that little happy jolt. Please keep us posted on when it appears in print. I'll watch for it here in London.

Carolyn  Alfvin

Erin -- CONGRATULATIONS! I hope this will lead to more freelance work. You obviously have the discipline, talent and enthusiasm to succeed.


Congratulations! That is so exciting! You have proven to be an excellent writer, so I'm positive that this is just the first of many publications to come. As Carmi said, please keep us posted!


I hope you can cash that check. It looks like they messed up your address. :)


That should go into the standup arcade game fund.


Congratulations love!

Disappointed Reader

Was the article about your wedding too?


Ahh, Disappointed Reader! Thank you for continuing to visit my site!


Congratulations Erin!!

Sarah M

Congrats! This is just the beginning!


yeah Erin! Great job!


Congratulations! I remember the rush I felt when I had a letter published in a national magazine - to have a check for something I wrote AND have it published - well, that's even better. Here from Michele's.

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