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September 21, 2006



Wow, I just looked up what I wrote at the start of fall last year, and I listed pretty much the EXACT same things as far as why I love the season. Oh well - some things never change! And it never hurts to revisit the things that make you happy!


I like fall for all the reasons you said plus football, wine and harvest fests, cross country season etc... but once Dec hits I am very depressed. Hate winter. HATE!!!!!!


Tracey - I so feel your December pain! :)Can't we make fall last just a little longer around here...?


Fall stinks. Its the season of death.


Uh, thanks for bringing us down, Dave.

Fall rocks. I love it.


Hi Erin - dropping by via Michele! I agree, Fall is by far my favorite season, even though I am no longer going "back to school", it still feels like my real New Year, where changes are made, good habits are reinforced as the summer's vices come to a close.

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