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August 27, 2006



awesome cookware set! i have a few pieces... they are soooo heavy... and my mom has preached and preached to me about NOT putting them in the dishwasher... my mil has one pan and she has tore it up! it's all pitted and scratched... but mil's are another story... hope yours is a good one!
i am here from michele's and i know what you mean about debating on what to share and what not to share! just be careful though! nice to 'meet' you! your shower looks like it was really nice!


Weddings are such a busy time! here via Michele..


Congrats on your upcoming wedding - and thanks for stopping by my blog tonite! Take care.


Now you're getting to the point in the wedding planning that I really liked...tracking the returns on invitations. I got to create a pretty spreadsheet to track who was coming and who weren't too cool to come.

It's coming up fast!


Thank god you're not one of those people who has their wedding on New Year's Eve. It's almost like people are trying to rid themselves of friends.

Funny that your friends are so classy that the dirtiest present you got was a negligee.


A "pretty" spreadsheet, huh Derek? ;) I, too, have a spreadsheet, complete with table # and meal choice - I can't wait to start getting RSVPs back and fill it all in!

And Andre, how do you know that I didn't get any naughty presents? Perhaps I just didn't post pictures of them. Actually, the negligee was the "dirtiest" gift I got. What can I say? I run with classy broads - and I like it that way!

Erin N.

I say blog about your wedding when you want; there's no shame in that. It's a HUGE day in your life. Your nay-saying comment-leavers will have to deal.

That, and I'm interested, as another bride ... So there's that.

(I got that cookware set too! It rocks!)


You know, I went back and forth between the eatable undies and the cookware set but something at the last minute told me to pitch in for the pots and pans ;)


Hey - My parents are first in that box of invites. That's fun. I can't WAIT to see them!!

Looks like a lovely party. Boy, you have some nice friends. ;) hehe


We all got ours in the mail yesterday!!! (me, my parents, Mikey). They're fabulous!!!! =)


Link to previous postings on city events and enjoy your time before the wedding - looking forward to future entries on the wedding.


I am NOT allowed to play games anymore. I look like a freak in that picture! That's it -- no more for me!! I did do great though!!

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