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August 07, 2006



Uh oh, someone got pregnant.

Just kidding. Congrats to them.


Congrats to Amanda and Mark!

Way to go on getting those invitations put together. That was one of my tasks to do for ours and I also, like you, did a wonderful job if I do say so myself. How many people are you inviting??


We're inviting around 245. (hoping 200 or fewer will actually attend!)

About 120 invitations are going out. Invitations are a huge undertaking! But it's the first impression people get of your wedding, so it's worth it. :)

I may just have to post a pic of my handywork after they've gone out ... 3 more weeks!


Yay! Thanks for cyber congrats to Erin and to the comment-ees. :) It's so much fun to share the joy!

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