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August 01, 2006



I've got the same problem. I really don't feel like laying awake anymore. This blows.

I need to go stay at Susan's, with the central air and whatnot.


I think I'm the only one in this state that LOVES this weather.
Sorry you couldn't sleep! That does suck.


No Tracey, I'm right there with you. You will not hear me complain about this weather!! I love it!! I can find so many more ways to cool off, than I can to stay warm: cold bath, swimming, cold towels, naked SUndays ha ha.

But yes, the heat was ridiculous! I was camping in it!! =)


You poor thing. I seriously can't imagine try to sleep in this miserable weather. Hang in there, though. Only a few more hours! (hopefully)

Somehow, even in the dead of winter, I know I will NOT miss this weather. Not one bit.


Feels like home to me!!! ;-)


Hi! I was googling around for bloggers who lived in Milwaukee and stumbled across your blog. I moved to Milwaukee a year ago from Los Angeles and haven't really had the opportunity to explore the city or see what it has to offer, but I have to say your blog is inspiring. I also live in Shorewood (great neighborhood to be sure) and it's awesome to see the different things you're doing around town.

I live in an older apartment building with no central air or AC so I hear your heat wave woes. The thunderstorm that passed over us awhile ago was really crazy! Thunder, lightning, cats, dogs, the whole works, for about 15 minutes. Hope you're managing to stay relatively cool. Cheers. :)


Hi Danielle, thanks for the comment - glad you found me. :) I hope you're able to take advantage of Milwaukee a bit more! I actually work with a girl who recently moved here from LA as well, and she says she's been pleasantly surprised by almost everything here so far. So that's good!

Yes, I was out for a walk/run when that second crazy storm hit. It was exhilirating running in the pouring rain but I thought FOR SURE my iPod was going to be ruined. But it's fine!

I'm SO glad it's finally cooled off!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by - hope you'll stick around! :)


Dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria? Fortunately I missed that part of the thunderstorm.

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