Despite our best efforts, the media opportunity that should have been this morning … wasn't.
The Gay Games were more spread out than what we'd expected, and the media worthy event didn't really happen. So while my little jaunt to Chicago today probably (hopefully) earned me some brownie points at the office, it was pretty much a waste of time. Darn!! But oh well – we tried.
Dave and I were up by 6:30 this morning and on the road by 7:15. We made good time down to Chicago (below you can see how we each spent the drive: I made media calls and listened to music, he played with his new Nintendo DS), but then we missed our exit and got a bit lost in Chinatown before finally making it down to the lakefront. It was a gorgeous, HOT summer day and the breeze from Lake Michigan was divine.
We spent a couple of hours helping where we could and then drove home and were back by about 3:00. Dave continued with his DS while I rode my bike down to Atwater Park to catch some of the air show. I couldn't see much, and after a half hour in the blazing sun I rode back home. I did watch the Thunderbirds from our porch, though, and they were AWESOME.
Temperatures reached almost 100 today and our little one-room air conditioner isn't doing much to offer us relief. We walked down to Baskin Robbins a little bit ago – and my cone melted all over me so fast! – and then spent about a half hour in a freezing cold shower trying to get our body temperatures down. It is HOT!! I won't complain, though – we get so little of this in Wisconsin – we have to enjoy every minute!
Part of me wants to lie in front of the air conditioner and relax for the rest of the evening, and the other part of me wants to blog and address wedding invitations … Not sure yet which part will win out!
Can you have Dave write an entry about his new DS? I'm intrigued... I LOVE mine!
You can take a DS outdoors, in Milwaukee... so it's topical! :)
Posted by: Charlie | July 16, 2006 at 09:11 PM
I loved going to airshows as well as a kid. I grew up in Michigan and we would travel around the state during the summer and make a point to hit at least one airshow.
Not to lighten the mood, but I found some airshow footage of a Thunderbird accident where the pilot ejected just before crashing. Miraculously he survived with only minor injuries… The footage is in two perspectives, from the ground and a cockpit cam on the pilot. It's quite amazing!
Posted by: Matt | July 17, 2006 at 08:55 AM
Did Dave like his people's games?
Posted by: Duane | July 17, 2006 at 11:32 AM
Posted by: Dave | July 17, 2006 at 11:51 AM hatin' on the gays =)
Posted by: Christi | July 18, 2006 at 10:52 AM
Word, Christi. I was going to write "aww, snap," but I couldn't figure out a way to make it sarcastic enough. I need to find a way to roll my eyes in text.
Posted by: Andre | July 18, 2006 at 04:37 PM
andre I think this makes the point @ @
It's the eye text. It's the best I could do =)
Posted by: Christi | July 19, 2006 at 04:51 PM