Today marks the 11th and final day of Summerfest.
It comes and goes so quickly, but it sure is fun when it's here. Like I said last week, there's a huge buzz in Milwaukee that comes with the arrival of Summerfest. Everyone's talking about when they're going, who they're going to see, what they're going to eat. Weeknights become like weekends and every day, pulsating beats can be heard from downtown until midnight.
I finally made it down there last night … Christi had been down there three times already and when I asked why she likes to go so much (as many people do) she said "where else can you pay a measly $15.00 and have access to hundreds of musical acts all in one place?" And that's very true! And if you get there early enough for the big acts, you can get in the front rows, even though you paid the same as everyone else. That's pretty cool.
Anyway, I went to Christi's house around 6:30 and after sharing a bottle of champagne, she and Tara and I walked down the street to the Hi Hat Lounge to get another drink and wait for the free bus that comes around the East Side and goes to Summerfest. Our waitress served us our martinis in plastic cups (I know, classy!) so that when the bus arrived, we'd be ready to hop on.
It took probably 25 minutes to get down to the grounds since the bus circled the various blocks a few more times, but hey, it was free and we had drinks, so we certainly weren't complaining.
When we entered the gates, our goals were tri-fold: 1. score some food 2. score another drink and 3. try to score a halfway decent spot at the Big Backyard stage where Pink would be performing at 10pm.
Having eaten very little all day in preparation for my trip to Summerfest that evening, I had just one thing on the brain as we maneuvered through the crowds of people: the famous Saz's combo platter.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that Milwaukeeans talk about this particular offering all year long. I only indulge once a year, and my mouth was watering as we waited in a 15-person deep line at Saz's.
Finally, it was our turn and we each got our own – a greasy, fatty delectable platter made up of two mozzarella sticks, a pile of cheddar curds and a pile of sour cream and chive fries, all accompanied by marinara sauce and a Ranch dipping sauce. Can one get any more gluttonous?
We kept walking toward our destination as we mowed on our fried food. I was seriously in my own little world as I shoveled it in, and when it was all gone after less than ten minutes, Christi even commented on how fast I ate it. This is what happens when you deprive yourself! But man, was it tasty. Of course, I was disgustingly full when all was said and done, but I tried to ignore it as we bought some wine coolers and arrived at the Big Backyard.
We obviously knew that we weren't going to get a very good spot for Pink since we were arriving at the stage ten minutes before she was to go on and since she's a pretty big act to be on a free stage, but when we got there, we couldn't even see the stage. People who had probably been there for hours and hours already had staked their claim on the bleachers and surrounding picnic tables and were standing on them waiting for Pink to come out.
When we heard the crowd erupt in cheers we knew she must be on stage. All I wanted to do was catch a glimpse or two of her, but it appeared that it'd be pretty impossible. Then Christi took us both by the arms and started to drag us through the crowd – she was determined that we'd get closer and at least be able to see her.
Of course, when I'm at a concert and people start shoving through to the front, I get annoyed. But when it's ME, I guess it's alright. That's probably not the best attitude, hey? Well, I rarely do such things and we were as polite as we could be, and people were amazingly very considerate. As we were walking up, there was a steady stream of people heading out of the crowd, too, so I figured it all evened out anyway. Finally, we were within 50 feet or so of the stage. Of course, we still couldn't see over all the people towering ten feet above us on their picnic tables, but we were able to hear better and I did glimpse Pink four or five times when I stood on my tip-toes. She looked good and when she talked, she sounded a lot more feminine and sweet than she usually does on television.
I got to hear a few songs I knew, including "I'm Trouble" and "Just Like a Pill" and – hooray! – "Stupid Girl." After about five songs, we linked hands again and headed back out through the sea of people. It was a lot easier getting out than it was getting in!
It being Saturday night, the grounds were just bursting with people, and since we'd gotten our food and gotten to see Pink, we were ready to leave again. We decided to hoof in back to Christi's rather than catch a bus – and Tara and I proceeded to whine for most of the walk. My combo platter was catching up with me and I had wedges on that weren't the most comfortable walking shoes. The evening air was nice, though, and it probably did us good to walk off a few of those thousands of calories we ate.
We made it to the Brady Street Bridge and said our good-byes in Christi's driveway. I drove the ten minutes home, and of course, as soon as I pulled in the driveway, Dave called and asked if I'd pick him up. So back to the East Side I drove, and then back home again.
A pain had started in my stomach on our walk home, and by now it was getting pretty intense. I probably should have thrown up and I would have felt much better, but there's nothing I hate more that throwing up so I just told Dave "please don't talk to me or make me talk," I got ready for bed as quickly as I could and then passed out. I woke up this morning feeling alright, but had a bit of a food hangover – the kind I used to get after eating too many chips and cookies at slumber parties. I guess that's what a platter of friend cheese will do to a person.
Mmmmm … I already can't wait for next year's, though.
Sounds like a great time! Oh, that combo platter looks tasty. Yumm.
Posted by: Derek | July 10, 2006 at 08:14 AM
Yes, the Saz's platter is great. Last year, my gf and I were standing in the Saz's line, when a 20-21 year old girl sits on the nasty ground and throws up all over herself.
It really made me even more hungry!!!
What's friend cheese? LOL
"I guess that's what a platter of friend cheese will do to a person."
Posted by: Justin | July 10, 2006 at 12:44 PM
Mmmm I'd kill for a plate of friend cheese right about now.
Posted by: Dave | July 10, 2006 at 04:10 PM
Friend cheese is so much better than FRIED cheese. mmmmmm in my tummy.
Summerfest is over =( I'm super sad.
Posted by: Christi | July 10, 2006 at 05:00 PM
LOL - thank you, THREE people for pointing out my typo. Now I can't go back and change it or the comments will make no sense.
Guess I just had FRIENDS on the brain. :)
Posted by: Erin | July 10, 2006 at 06:23 PM
On the brain? Funny you should say that. I kept thinking that if you were making food from friends, it would be head cheese.
God, you're so gross. What's wrong with you?
Posted by: Andre | July 11, 2006 at 01:14 PM
Oh. My. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time. It also sounds like a glorious event, no wonder it is talked about all year.
Now, could you please expalin to me why I was not invited. You know I LOVE martinis in plastic cups. Oh wait, you didn't know this? Well, now you do - so please keep me in mind for the next wonderful Erin-was-there event.
Posted by: Michele | July 11, 2006 at 09:48 PM