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July 09, 2006



Sounds like a great time! Oh, that combo platter looks tasty. Yumm.


Yes, the Saz's platter is great. Last year, my gf and I were standing in the Saz's line, when a 20-21 year old girl sits on the nasty ground and throws up all over herself.

It really made me even more hungry!!!

What's friend cheese? LOL

"I guess that's what a platter of friend cheese will do to a person."


Mmmm I'd kill for a plate of friend cheese right about now.


Friend cheese is so much better than FRIED cheese. mmmmmm in my tummy.

Summerfest is over =( I'm super sad.


LOL - thank you, THREE people for pointing out my typo. Now I can't go back and change it or the comments will make no sense.

Guess I just had FRIENDS on the brain. :)


On the brain? Funny you should say that. I kept thinking that if you were making food from friends, it would be head cheese.

God, you're so gross. What's wrong with you?


Oh. My. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time. It also sounds like a glorious event, no wonder it is talked about all year.

Now, could you please expalin to me why I was not invited. You know I LOVE martinis in plastic cups. Oh wait, you didn't know this? Well, now you do - so please keep me in mind for the next wonderful Erin-was-there event.

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