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« Christy's Bridal Anniversary Event | Main | Derek! »

July 19, 2006



Wow, your calligraphy looks great! Thanks for the heads up about Jazz...maybe I'll stop by and say "hi" if we make it there!


I hope one of those envelopes was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Whitten. I love that!!!
They really looked great but thinking of all the time spent I am really glad I went with the fold and seal!!! Love you!


You've inspired me to learn calligraphy! :) I've just booked my appointment at Broadway Paper.

P.S. I saw you way back at the Brewers Fan Fest - you were taking pics of the little boy that was throwing baseballs, but was too shy to say hi :) I told my kids who you were though! Have a great day!


They look so pretty! I'm so excited to receive one of those lovely envelopes in the mail. It's getting so close now!

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