It's been a long, relaxing holiday weekend – I'm sad it's coming to an end! Like every year at this time, the city is buzzing because Summerfest is in full swing. I went down there Friday afternoon with my boss, Mary, and my two coworkers, Vicky and Rebecca, where we ate a Cajun lunch at Craw Daddy's and had a few rounds of drinks in the warm afternoon sun. It was a nice change of pace to be there early on a weekday when it was less crowded – even if the musical acts at that time of day leave much to be desired!
I'll probably get to Summerfest just once more, most likely next Saturday night. I was going to go tomorrow with Dave to see Andrew Bird, but he's going with a friend now instead. It's fine – twice a year is about good for me. There are plenty of people whose year revolves around Summerfest and who go just about every day – I think they're insane, but to each their own!
Traditionally, I kick off Summerfest by seeing the Big Bang fireworks down at the lakefront the Thursday night that the fest starts. I'd heard rumblings, though, that the July 3rd fireworks were much, much more impressive, so I decided that we'd hold out for those this year.
We left the house around 7:00 last night, knowing full well that we probably wouldn't get the best spot but not really minding. We got some food at Metro Market and then started driving around to find parking. We had no idea that these fireworks were SUCH a huge event until we saw people walking with their chairs miles from where the fireworks are launched. When we saw a sign about 2 miles from the lake that said "Park here, $20" we knew we were in trouble.
Rather than pressing our luck, we hung back near Lake Park and found a spot on a residential street, and then we hauled our stuff down a hill near the hospital toward the lake. We laid our blanket out across the street from the lake and weren't surrounded by many people, which was nice. We ate and drank and people-watched, and I spent a little time curled under the blanket to hide from the dragonflies that kept whizzing past us. That proved to be too hot so I had no choice but to brave the big old bugs until it was too dark to see them anymore.
At 9:25 the fireworks started and by this time, our private grassy area had been overtaken by people. When the first fireworks went off, they were beautiful, but we realized right away that we were sitting in the equivalent of the nosebleed seats and we could barely hear a darn thing.
After just five minutes, there was a finale of sorts, which was followed by a five minute lull. People around us were wondering aloud "is that it?" until the sky lit up again. There was a second finale ten minutes later and that's when Dave and I decided to leave. We knew the display couldn't possibly be over since this second "finale" was only about ten seconds long, but we'd had enough and were getting bored. A half hour later we could hear that grand finale from home and we were a bit disappointed that we missed it, but from where we'd been sitting, it probably wouldn't have been so great anyway.
I love fireworks, but what makes them so exciting is how bright and loud they are when they're right in front of you. Since we were so far away, we missed out on that experience, and it was a bummer. One girl I know said that she and her family staked out their spot the night before and then were down at the lakefront all day cooking out and playing volleyball and waiting for the fireworks. She said they were "intense and totally awesome" - and I'm sure they were. But I'm sure as heck not willing to stake out a spot the night before!
The fireworks drew thousands upon thousands of people to the lake yesterday, and while there's something neat and celebratory about that, it was a bit much for me, and I think I'll stick with the Big Bang next year.
Besides Summerfest and fireworks, I got a ton of wedding stuff done this weekend – started addressing the invitations, finalized the invitation design, decided on the look and flavor for the cake, decided on table numbers and favor tags …
As I stood in Michael's on Sunday just staring at the spools and spools of colored ribbon, I came to a realization: I have become one of those crazy, obsessed brides who thinks about her wedding constantly – one of those brides I vowed I'd never be! I'm embracing it, though – the anticipation is so much fun, and planning all the little details that will make the day perfect is a blast, too!
Today we started our registry at Target. I didn't bring Dave along when I started our registries at Crate and Barrel or Bed Bath and Beyond, but I thought he should be involved at least a little bit in the process, so I dragged him along today.
Just as I suspected, though, he wasn't the least bit interested in what blender or toaster or canister set we should get. He was, however, very interested in the XBox 360 he absolutely insisted on adding. Of course, I think he's dreaming if he thinks he's going to get that, but I just let him scan it in so he'd be happy.
I guess grooms need to have a little fun, too.
Dave is a smart man. Too bad Best Buy doesn't have a gift registry. That would be every goom's dream.
Posted by: Charlie | July 04, 2006 at 09:39 PM
Good luck in the rest of your wedding planning. In my experience as a wedding florist, men could not care less about any of that stuff, so you are foprtunate to get him to Target with you...LOL
Michele sent me to tell you that it was so hot and humid here today that we gave up the idea of going to see the fireworks and stayed in the airconditioning to watch them on TV.
Posted by: kenju | July 04, 2006 at 10:39 PM
Ah, Targét. It's French!
Posted by: Andre | July 05, 2006 at 07:09 AM
We took our bikes down to the fireworks on the 3rd. The bike paths that run right down to the lake were full of little flashing little bike lights - it was really cool (we bought lights that day at Corey the Bike Fixer for $11). We rode right through the crowd of cars and people walking about 10 minutes before things started and there were plenty of places to sit. We were in a prime seating area - near the Kite place - and it was an awesome event. They were the best fireworks I've seen in years. The bike ride back was so quick and easy too - I will never drive down there again. The bikes were so easy and fun that we're doing it for Jazz in the Park for now on too. Parking is for chumps.
Posted by: Alba | July 05, 2006 at 01:35 PM
GOOD call, Alba. We definitely would have done that except Dave's bike is broken. I've heard from numerous people now that the fireworks were just awesome. I'm really bummed we missed out. :( I'm taking my bike next year!!
Posted by: Erin | July 05, 2006 at 01:45 PM
For years and years my family went down to the lake to watch the July 3rd fireworks. They were always amazing. We'd make a whole day of it - bring some food and games, a blanket or two, and just have a day full of fun ending with the wonderful fireworks. I'd like to come back in the next couple of years and do it again.
And a note regarding the Xbox - I'm deciding right now NOT to bring Mark along when we pick out a wedding gift for you two, or I fear that I'd be talked into getting the Xbox... Ah, men.
Posted by: Amanda | July 05, 2006 at 04:39 PM
we had something like an xbox on our registry too... for like an hour. when we got home, i took it off online and he just figured no one ever bought it for him! i definitely thought it was a good idea for the groom to go along with the registering though. we just had to set a time limit. i actually found out there was a lot of stuff my husband actually cared about!
good luck with the rest of your planning, erin!
Posted by: monnie | July 06, 2006 at 06:25 PM
Monnie, way to start your marriage out IN A WEB OF LIES!!!!!! Luckily I know the password so I'll just put it back on if Erin gets any smart ideas.
Posted by: Dave | July 07, 2006 at 08:35 AM
You're not going to want an X Box without surround sound. And since you know the password...
Posted by: Andre | July 07, 2006 at 11:05 AM
Erin, just think what The First Wives Club would look and sound like in Hi-Def. I think surround sound is a gift that would benefit both of us.
Posted by: Dave | July 07, 2006 at 11:22 AM
The First Wives Club, really Dave? You're SUCH a dork.
Enough about the registry. ALL of the items will benefit both of us. Except your dumb Xbox.
Posted by: Erin | July 07, 2006 at 11:42 AM
DUMB xbox? Dave, she's talking crazy. Sounds to me like you should put "psychologist" on the registry.
Posted by: Andre | July 07, 2006 at 12:34 PM
Why don't you guys set up a Paypal account so we can donate for the Xbox as a group wedding present? I'd happily chip in $10.
Posted by: Scott | July 07, 2006 at 09:48 PM
Oh Scott, you're talking crazy. We could never do such a thing. But how kind of you to even suggest it!
Besides - if we WERE to do such a thing, we'd set it up for the lovely wine table at Crate and Barrel, not an Xbox. ;)
Posted by: Erin | July 08, 2006 at 09:34 AM