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June 14, 2006



Ooooh yeah THAT'S the trail I always talk about. It's great right?! =) At the end of it, it spits out onto a beach.

That cafe sounds yummy. I may have to check it out. Maybe Tara and I can meet up with you two some Sunday morning for breakfast.


I'm glad you made it to Grant Park, but it's too bad you couldn't make it on the Seven Bridges trail!

Especially as you get closer to the beach, there is some of the coolest rock work that was done as part of the post-depression Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930's. The paths are inlaid stone, and there are rock retaining walls with built-in stone benches... it is amazing.


Thanks for the great info, Brian. It sounds awesome! I'll definitely head back there once it's open again - which I hope is soon!

Nicole Sweeney

You wrote about one of my all-time fave restaurants in Milwaukee! The mac 'n cheese is divine, and the mochas are seriously a work of art. I'm so glad you've discovered it! It's a great Sunday brunch kind of place.

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