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« Happy Birthday all around! | Main | How embarrassing ... »

May 21, 2006



Bikini-ready bod? You sound very Sixteen Candles... We have seventy dollars and a pair of girls underpants. We're safe as kittens.

Sounds like a good weekend, food-wise. However, my favorite is the King Kong roll. And if I remember correctly, King Kong sh*t-stomped Godzilla when they fought.


I STILL haven't been to Sake Tumi. I know, I should be ashamed. Hopefully soon.


Just and FYI...I know someone who used to be a server at the Melting Pot and she said it is common for people to only have dessert there. It is fun to do the whole meal thing once, but it is pricey and the chocolate at the end is the most fun anyway.


I was going to make a comment about your weekend, but now that I'm at the end and I've read all about your delicious meals, I am too hungry to think about what to write. Must go eat!!

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