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« Go-Karts a No-Go ... | Main | Happy Mother's Day »

May 10, 2006



I love the kite festival! I go to all of them every year. :) But no, I didn't know that Veteran's Memorial was one of the best places to fly a kite... pretty cool fact!


I love flying kites! I hope that the weather holds up for the festival. Nothing is worse than crap weather on a kite fesitval day. Well, maybe some things are worse, but not much!


Or you could always use the one you and I bought together =)


If I don't have the one from last September, I REALLY don't have the one from that day two summers ago!

I always buy the kites that are like $5.99 so I don't feel too guilty about throwing them away after one use - they're just kind of a pain to store. I'm thinking I'll buy another cheapie on Saturday - I want to be part of the Grand Launch. :)


I like the new banner logo! Although it looks like the chick climbing the rope has a huge "package"

Had to give that "classy" comment :P


You have a dirty little mind, Charlie.

That's her equipment! Her CLIMBING equipment! ;)

But thanks for the compliment on the new banner!

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