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March 06, 2006



Way to go! At least you gave it a try. My wife's been, encouraging me to try it too. There is also a wall at REI out on W. Capital. One of these days I'll give it a shot.


I've climbed the wall at REI a bunch of times. I used to go every summer with this leadership camp for teenagers I used to coordinate. There were definitely hard and easy sides of those walls too. I thought I was a hot shot being able to get to the top so fast and easy on the easiest side of the wall...but the hard ones are really hard. I am sure you made a good attempt.


Aww Erin! You sound so bummed about your trip! Thanks a TON for posting this one... I never knew Turner Hall had a climbing gym in it. I'm hiking on the appalachian trail in a couple weeks, so I'm thinkin I know where my Sunday afternoon will be spent.

David Ernst

Neat to learn that Turner Hall is still in operation. It was started by German imagrants back in the 1800's. The Germans felt that a healthy body produced a healthy mind and thus stressed physical activity. No couch potatoes in those days!!!!


Hey Erin

Thanks for checking out my site. I like yours a lot so that’s why I put the link. I'm going to go try out this climbing gym sometime soon. It seems fun. I never tried it before, even though I've wanted to.

Ballroom dancing is very fun too. Its cool you’re doing it.

If you ever need a photographer for your site let me know. I'd be glad to help you out.


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