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March 01, 2006



Great article! Another one to add to your wonderful clip book. You've really done amazing things with this blog, Erin. Without sounding silly, I'm really proud of you!

But I do agree with you on that last bit in the article - you are not shy at all. And, I think that this blog shows you exactly as you are. When I read this blog every day, I feel like I'm a little more connected with you. I can totally see you doing these things - the expression on your face, how hard you laugh, how much of a dork you are sometimes. :) It helps me not miss my best friend so much from 6 hours away.


Nice article! I was suprised it came out so fast. It was a good read and the "shy" comment caught me off guard a little too!

I put up a quick mention of it on my blog too so hopefully a flood of traffic will be coming your way! :)

Nicole Sweeney

Hey Erin! Thanks for all your help with the story!

You’re right – you certainly don’t seem shy (and maybe I should’ve emphasized that more!) But that’s why I thought your comment was so interesting, and I took it in a really positive way. When you said, “On the blog, I don’t seem shy at all...but I think that’s good. It brings that out in me,” I took that to mean that the blog has had a positive impact on your life and even helped you figure out some things about yourself – proving to yourself that you can handle anything, for example. And that even though in our heads, we might feel a little insecure, that doesn’t necessary mean other people see us that way or that we’ll let it hold ourselves back. It’s like our actions become reality. I don't know if that makes sense, but I just wanted to let you know that I didn't see it as a cringe-worthy comment at all :)
Thanks again, and happy blogging ~


Hi Erin! I'm a first time visitor here via MKE Online...I'm up for the "Blog of the Week" deal this week and just happened to catch their story about you...glad I clicked over here! I'll definitely be back.

PS: I think we have similar taste in books...I just finished THE PLEASURE OF MY COMPANY, and I'm a huge fan of David Sedaris. :)

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