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February 05, 2006


Mike O.

Mike and I are secretly jealous about your dance lessons with Dave.


This was my second Andrew Bird concert and again he put on a great show. This one was a bit more exciting though as Bird was accompanied by his percussionist. Its pretty hard to describe what he does onstage so here's a link to his live performance from KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic.


Hey Erin-

I wish I would have known about this concert. I am kicking myself for missing it! Sounds like it was a great show.

FYI The Miramar Theatre has a capacity of 400 people:)


"...just in time to interrupt my viewing of Dancing with the Stars - a show I've gotten to be a bit attached to over the past few weeks."

"Music not being one of my huge passions as it is one of Dave's, I don't have too much else to say about the theater or the show."

Well, thanks for posting the event then. :-P Drivel drivel drivel


No problem, Gaper!

Hey, we're all entitled to posting a little drivel now and then.

And rereading this post, I still think that you got some information that you may not have known before. So there!


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