The weather this weekend has been atrocious! Wind, wind, and more wind - the strongest wind we've had in these parts in ages! It makes for some cozy weekend weather to hole up in, but it sure doesn't allow for much outdoor fun.
Yesterday Dave and I finally bit the bullet and raked up all the leaves in our yard, both back and front. I actually really enjoy raking leaves - have since I was a kid when Dad would have all three of us kids outside with the rakes all day while he burned them all in a big pile in the backyard. I love the smell of the leaves and the feeling of accomplishment when they're all raked up, and I always loved jumping in them, too - though we didn't do that yesterday since they were wet.
It's a good thing (or is it?) we managed to get them all out to the curb yesterday, just before the wind started up. Last night, as we drove through the East Side, a long stretch on Oakland Ave. was completely without power. There were no stoplights, no streetlights, nothing, and it was creepy. We expected to come home and find our power out, too, but we didn't. It turns out that the power outage wasn't due to the weather, but a plane that crashed into some power lines! My friend today even said that she saw it on CNN last night. Luckily, no one was hurt.
Today the plan was to head to the zoo, and I woke up pretty excited about it. But all night, our windows had been rattling, and my bed even shook a little this morning from the wind, and when I walked to the grocery store to get some breakfast, it nearly knocked me off my feet! I thought of the people who had to run the Jingle Bell run this morning, which I had originally planned on running. I bet it was difficult - and not too fun! We put the zoo plans on hold, probably until next weekend or the weekend after.
It was still a lovely day, though. Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week. I spent a leisurely two hours pouring through the Sunday paper and having some coffee, and then we ventured downtown to go to Borders bookstore, on Wisconsin and Plankinton. I was seeking out Suze Orman's book, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, and Broke since that's what I am - especially the broke part. I found it and realized it was hardcover and $24.95 - and being broke, that was too much for me, so I ordered it from Amazon today instead. I'm hoping it will provide some good information and a glimmer of hope - because being broke is causing me much stress and anxiety these days. And I know I'm in the same boat that many twenty-somethings just starting out are in - but it doesn't make it any easier. We walked through Grand Avenue mall, which is all decked out for Christmas already, of course. (We got a kick out of this bear orchestra - unfortunately, they didn't play for us) It really bothers me that we can't enjoy one holiday before we have to be thinking about the next. I love Christmastime so much, but I'm completely not ready for it yet this year.
I guess I have to be ready, though, because this week kicks off the season in Milwaukee. Thursday night I'll be heading downtown for the first night of the Holiday Lights Festival, and Saturday morning, I'll be down there for the Holiday Parade, which begins at 9:30 a.m. on Kilbourne and Prospect.
Anyway, I also took a few pics of the lake today. It was such a bright shade of blue. I enjoyed it just for a moment from Juneau Park before retreating back to my car and heading home.
I'm off now to enjoy what's left of my Sunday. I have a few hours to fill before my favorite show – Grey's Anatomy – comes on. Hope you've all had a good weekend – and are staying warm in this crazy wind!
Hey Erin,
That Suzie Orman book is really good. My sister got it for me (maybe because I'm so fabulous?, ha ha) for my BD. It's got great, high-level advice.
Although, personally, the cover of the book freaked me out. There was something frightening, yet familiar about it. It took me awhile, but I figured out why it was so scary, she looks exactly like Carrie Fisher.
Posted by: Charlie | November 13, 2005 at 09:12 PM
I'm with you...let's wait until Thanksgiving to start with the Christmas stuff. It seems to get earlier and earlier every year!
Posted by: Derek | November 14, 2005 at 08:01 AM
I also have the Suze Orman book! It is great. Take some notes, or do some highlighting as you read. There are great tips in it.
Posted by: Kelly | November 14, 2005 at 11:05 AM
Wow, you are one busy woman!!! I just scanned thru some of your entries, I love how you've got pictures sprinkled throughout and lots of info. Very nice!
Posted by: Janet | November 14, 2005 at 09:45 PM
I hear you..
..I can also feel winter around the corner..
Our high here in Fort Lauderdale today was 80, and the low 70.. but we are expecting a high of 72 on Tuesday and a low of 56!!! And for someone who used to live in WI, I CANT WAIT!
About two weeks ago we also had the strongest winds I have experienced here.. some sytem called Wilma... 1 week without power, and 2 weeks without cable/internet and four way stops at EVERY intersection!
The feeling of going crazy? - Priceless!
But aside from the weather and power outages.. a Jingle Bell Run in November?? Im glad you skipped it.. the wind was God's way of opposing it!
Posted by: Tony Melendez | November 17, 2005 at 07:41 PM