My weekend in Minnesota was all kinds of good fun. Drove up there on Friday afternoon/evening and came back already Sunday morning/afternoon, so it went very quickly, but it was still quite nice. Friday night, Amanda, Christi and I caught up over a few bottles of wine, and Saturday we spent a good part of the day bridesmaid dress shopping. We didn't expect to actually find the one, but we did. Vera Wang, chocolate brown, DIVINE - so I'm very excited about that. Saturday night we went out to dinner at a cute bistro called Figlio. Sunday morning we went out for breakfast and then Christi and I headed back down to Wisconsin.
The drive was surprisingly pleasant - and went much quicker than the ride up there had been. The trees along I-94 were the most fiery, gorgeous trees I think I may have ever seen. I wanted to snap a few pictures, but it wasn't possible while driving 75 miles per hour down the freeway (and it didn't occur to me to have Christi take them). They were beautiful, though. Autumn in Wisconsin is very fleeting, but it sure is splendid for the short time it's here.