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October 02, 2005



Sounds like a great time. The weather was really nice for it too! I like your new T-shirt!! :)


Seems like a good time. For some reason it never dawned on me that there would be fishing charters in Milwaukee.

One fish for a $410 trip seems like a bummer. I think they should up that free trip to two fish.


Erin: Several of us had the pleasure of dining at Lake Park Bistro a few months ago. I'm from Florida, one of our group was from Kentucky, one from Virginia and our host and his wife were from Milwaukee. You and I discussed your future via a little flirtatious bantor(no threat to your boyfriend by an old man like me) and rapid comebacks by you. From the looks of the article by Jim Stingl sent to me over the weekend, you are succeeding as we all knew you would. Congratulations and great to see you achieving your dream. Craig

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