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October 24, 2005



don't forget about helter skelter. that was awesome.


As one of the bestest life-long fans of Paul McCartney, I am thrilled that you got to share that concert. As I read alot of reviews about the concert, I agree the man is AMAIZEing. Your blog stated everything quite accurately. You can be considered fortunate to be living in the time of probably one of the best composers thoughout history; right up there with Beethoven, Mozart and J.S. Bach.

love, Dad

Michelle Pessoa

Michele sent me!

I can't remember the last time I went to a concert. :(

Jennifer Thorpe

Hi! Michele sent me! I'm SO JEALOUS that you got to see Paul McCartney! My daddy used to play his Beatles records all the time when we were little. I grew up on the Fab Four and had nearly all their records, tapes, etc. when I was in high school. I think I will just have to live vicariously through you this time. Maybe someday I'll get to see/hear him for myself! :)


Hi Champ!!!1
Glad to hear you had a blast! I skipped the show this time around, but I've seen Paul twice and both rank among my favorite shows too (along with the 3 Ringo shows!). You get cool points for figuring out that the Beatles own everyone.


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