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September 03, 2005



Wow. Ole Chopper has some serious eyes there. Neat look.

Michele sent me, Erin.

Good luck with the job thing and if you get tired of working there's always grad school. LOL


Aww, cute pup. :)

Came here via Michele's blog.

Good luck with the job search!


Hope you have a great weekend, too! Here from Michele's.


Hiya!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I thought I'd pop on over and check yours out.
That puppy is SO cute!!! I want one!!!
Hope you are having an awesome weekend!! :o)


What a sweet dog! Now I want one. Actually, I've always wanted a chocolate lab. They simply make my heart melt.

I'm sure you'll find the job of your dreams before long. You sure have the focus for it, so it's only a matter of time.

Dropped in from Michele's again. I've got so much more reading to do on your site.


Hey Erin! Michele sent me...

It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend so far!

Nice to 'meet' you!


Cute puppy!
We're having incredible weather here. We'll be outside most of the day.

visiting from michele's


Hi, Michele sent me. I love Milwaukee and brats! You make me want to visit again ASAP!


Hi, visiting from Michele's.
The puppy is adorable :)


Hey Erin, you're making my little guy famous among the blogging clientel. I had a great time this weekend with your family.


Happy Labor day to you! Good luck in obtaining a position that you want and will like. My son started his last of two semesters of college a couple of weeks ago. He too is already thinking about the future and findng a job. I will stop back by - I enjoyed your site. Michele sent me this go round.


Here via Michele to wish you a happy holiday :)


I hope you were able to get out and have some more fun this weekend! I went camping up north and had a fantastic time. There is nothing like getting out and living in that fresh air for so long. We did the bonfires and cookouts, but we also did kayaking, which was awesome! I had never done it before and after reading your blog about it, I figured it was worth a try. We had such a great time. Also did a lot of hiking and bike riding. A lot of the outdoors!

I wish I had that puppy to take with me. Always had a love for the chocolate lab. If it weren't for me living in an apt. I would have one already. They just melt my heart!


It is a little weird not going back to school, isn't it? I had a really rough time with that last year when everyone was heading back and I wasn't - I felt like an outsider almost! And you're right - that sense of accomplishment after finishing a paper, taking a test, or completing a course won't happen again. But it does come back. And not that I have been in the "real world" for that long yet, but it's so much more rewarding to get something accomplished in your work place than it ever was in the school room. Nothing feels better than when you deliver something to your client and they truly love your work. I know that you're going to find a great job soon where you get that feeling too.


Since everyone else missed the obvious opportunity to quote "Stand By Me"......

Sick balls, Chopper!


Whoops... that's "sic".

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